Sunday, July 6, 2008

Back from Vacation

I have been delivered from vacation w/ my mom-in-law. I am now back to the realities of my frazzled life. Somehow between now and last night my house has been ransacked. But not to worry. We are (were) going to church this Sunday morning. I was planning a fresh annointing of the Holy Spirit to put me back on track. I am (was) going to be renewed and be the organized, high-spirited, high-energy, nurturing mommy power upon my return from the Throne. Except that I couldn't find my keys. Still can't find my keys. So not so much. I am instead, in my Sunday finest complaining to you. I am going to have to figure out a way to be all of those things. Will need to conjure up the Holy Spirit right here. It's possible. OK, conjure isn't the right word. What is it? Hmmm. Can't remember.... What do we do? Invite the Holy Spririt? I think that is right. Holy Spirit fall fresh on me. And no I am not being blasphemous. Far from it. I am going to put on my spiritual music, re-focus, and be renewed through the power of our heavenly Father. Then I am going to conjure up breakfast, make that lunch from whatever is in the kitchen, while making a grocery list, washing clothes, and cleaning the kitchen. After that I am going to go grocery shopping. But before that I am going to go vacuum out the car. Taking the guinea pig on vacation...probably didn't think that all the way through. Van smells like a guinea pig cage. And so does all of the clean laundry that we brought back from vacation. Why didn't I notice the smell on the way home. God's mercy, I think. Gotta run. God bless.

Friday, July 4, 2008

Don't Go On Vacation with My Mother-in-Law

You'd think I would know this basic rule of life. But somehow, there I was, on vacation, at Disney World in Florida, with my husband of 13 years, my 13 year old daughter, my 9 year old son, and my mother in law. Surely she has her good points. All of which lost their luster on about the 3rd day. I found myself focusing on her not so good qualities. Chief of which, would have to be her propensity to talk w/ food in her mouth. I know this sounds really petty. But my gosh, it makes me ill, to have to listen to someone who will not stop chewing to talk. I don't mean an occasional sentence that is uttered while politely chewing inconspicuosly. I mean a constant chewing conversation. I never noticed this before, but when someone is trying to have a conversation with a full mouth of food they must talk louder and open their mouths wider to project their voice. Ugh. More later.